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Neil has over 35 years of experience in providing audit, accounting, and advisory services, both in Australia and internationally.

Neil has considerable audit experience including the audit of companies listed on the ASX and NSX, public unlisted companies, large private companies and managed investment schemes, operating in industries such as resources, mining services, financial services/funds management, property and construction companies, as well as a significant number of non-profit organisations.

Prior to 1990 Neil was with Touche Ross & Co in Perth where he was responsible for the provision of audit and advisory services to mainly public companies. During this time, he also worked in the United States and Asian region.

Neil is a member of Curtin University of Technology Alumni,  and has been a Group Leader of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Professional Year Program, Accounting and Audit modules.

Neil's areas of expertise include: 

  • Audit and related assurance services to private and public companies
  • Business valuations, acquisitions and disposals
  • Investigative audits and due diligence reports
  • Financial reporting and disclosures
  • Independent Accountants Report associated with capital raisings and listings.
  • Independent Expert reports under ASX Listing Rules and relevant sections of the Corporations Act 2001


  • Audit and Assurance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Litigation


  • Energy, Mining and Renewables
  • Health and Aged Care
  • Not-For-Profit
  • Property and Construction
  • Tourism and Hospitality