Miles is a dedicated professional with over a decade of experience. He is committed to helping clients achieve their financial objectives. He has built a reputation as a superannuation specialist especially self-managed funds. Miles possesses a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding high net-worth family advisory, enabling him to provide personalised solutions that align with clients' unique needs and aspirations. He is both a Chartered Accountant and holds a Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, so is uniquely equipped to help his clients. Areas of expertise: Superannuation strategies Asset protection Tax strategies Self-managed superannuation funds (administration and compliance) Estate planning Inter-generational wealth and succession planning Moore Australia Financial Services (WA) Miles is a Provisional Financial Adviser completing his professional year under the supervision of James Tran. He provides advisory services for areas including: Wealth management wealth accumulation Superannuation including establishment of self-managed superannuation funds Retirement and redundancy planning Government benefits Life and income protection insurance Moore Australia Financial Services (WA) and Miles Jacob operate as Authorised Representatives of MI Private Wealth Pty Ltd (AFSL 519620). Miles is a Provisional Financial Adviser completing his professional year.