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Year End Tax Planning for Businesses 2022-23

With the end of the financial year for 2022-23 fast approaching, there are many tax planning strategies business owners should consider and have in place before 30 June 2023.

Now is the time to review your tax affairs (if you haven't already) to ensure you have taken advantage of relief available to you, addressed items that need to be completed and considered your planning opportunities.

Our team have prepared a handy year end tax planning guide for businesses, now available for you to download.

Working together to connect food and entrepreneurship

Introducing the Agri Food and Wine Category: An initiative of Moore Australia and eChallenge Australia

Tapping into the South Australian entrepreneurial ecosystem the Australian eChallenge connects the business community to students, academics and the general public. 

The eChallenge: Agri Food and Wine is designed to generate new ideas to address local and worldwide problems using anything from software, hardware and other technologies to chemistry, marketing and farming.