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November 2024

An Introduction to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Accounting and the GHG Protocol

Tackling climate change starts with understanding our impact on the planet. For organisations, this means measuring and managing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. GHG Accounting has come to the forefront due to the mandatory requirement to include it in Sustainability Reporting.

Listing Your Business on the ASX: Unlocking Growth through Public Markets

Taking your business public on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is a pivotal move that can significantly alter the course of your company's future. As one of the top five exchanges globally for raising capital, find out more about unlocking growth on public markets for your business.  

Proposed Simplified Financial Reporting for Not-for-Profit Organisations

Proposals are now out that will potentially significantly simplify the financial reporting requirements of some not-for-profit (NFP) organisations. This is the most significant change in financial reporting requirements for NFPs in a number of years and is likely to also significantly curtail the use of special purpose financial statements (SPFS) by the sector.