Moore Australia is proud to release MA Australis Limited 31 December 2023 Illustrated financial Statements.
This example annual report provides a demonstration of the annual reporting requirements of Australian Accounting Standards, the Corporations Act (2001) and other associated authoritative guidance, as applied to a fictitious listed Australian Company.
The Illustrated annual report includes:
- Annual Financial Statements
- Directors Report
- Remuneration Report; and
- Consolidated Entity Disclosure Statement (NEW)
These model financial statements are a great resource to assist all organisations understand the disclosure requirements of Australian Accounting Standards and other regulatory guidance for a broad range of transactions that may arise.
It is not expected that any individual entity would require all the disclosures provided in this illustrated annual report, but instead it should be used as a reference for the types of disclosures that may be required in different circumstances.
These illustrated financial statements are applicable for years ended both 31 December 2023 and 30 June 2024.