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All news by: Peter Gorecki

Property and Taxes - unpleasant surprises

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) state that "the most common capital gains tax (CGT) event happens when you sell or give away a CGT asset such as real estate, including your family home, holiday home, investment property, hobby farm or vacant block of land". Nearly all investors are aware of CGT in relation to investment properties, but the situation is different in relation to other properties, especially family homes.

Paperless Record Keeping- Best Practice

The ATO reminds us on its website that by law, business operators have to keep records, which “explain all transactions, be in writing, be in English or in a form that can be easily converted, and be kept for five years”. Some records, especially in relation to capital gain tax events, may need to be kept for longer. Clients sometimes tell us about their frustration in relation to this record keeping burden. They tell us about running out of space for the piles of paper. However, the ATO tells us that “be in writing” also means “in electronic format” and that “the principles are the same”.